Thursday, 3 January 2013

New Year, New Start

Wow, it's been a while hasn't it?! I seem to do this a lot. Start a blog, do a few posts, stop posting, delete blog and start again. And repeat... and repeat again. I love the idea of blogging, I get serious 'blog envy' when I come across a really good blog, loads of great posts and a pretty layout. But to be honest, I think I've always under estimated how much work goes into writing a blog post, and just got a bit lazy and gave up with mine. Well it's a new year, and I thought what better time to come back to this little blog of mine, and I thought I'd start with sharing my new years resolutions with you all.  

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Blog More

Like I've said above, I tend to get lazy when I've started a blog and give up before they really get going.  I love finding new blogs, and going back to my old favourites time and time again to 'catch up' with what can feel like an old friend, and see what they're up to and what they've been buying, just like you would with a real life friend.  I'd love for this blog to become a bit like that, with people (not necessarily loads of people, although that would be lovely!) coming back time after time, and perhaps even recommending this blog to others who are looking for new blogs to find!   I'm really going to try and put the effort in to make this blog something to be worth reading, and most importantly something for me to be proud of.

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 Take more photos

Not so long ago, I was extremely snap happy. A night out wouldn't be complete without taking 100s of photos, and spending my hungover Sundays going through them all and uploading the best to Facebook, then looking at my friends' photos of that same night on their Facebook and cringing at the state of us, or finding the rare gem where we're all looking at the camera, all have our eyes open, and all look reasonably sober!  However, as we've got older and a lot of friends have got married and have had babies, nights out a few and far between, and the occasions we have gone out, I've never bothered to take my camera.  This year I'm going to make the most of the nights out that we do have, maybe not quite to go as snap happy as I once did, but I'm definitely going to whip out my trusty old camera more often!

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 Get fit...ter

 I'm just over 5ft tall and I vary between a size 10 and 12, although more towards the 12 lately.  Obviously a size 12 is no way huge or anything like that, but I just feel that because I'm quite short, I may not 'carry' those few extra pounds than a taller person would.  My cousin is getting married in June and I'm bridesmaid and I can't think of a better incentive to shed those few extra pounds and just be in the best shape I can be in for all the photos.  I'm not talking a major crash diet here, firstly because I don't have enough willpower to be able to stick to it and secondly I like my chocolate too much! I just want to cut down on all those unhealthy things we've indulged on over Christmas especially, and start doing a bit of exercise again.  I love Zumba, but have been neglecting it a lot lately so my first step is to get back to it when classes start again next week!

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 Drink more water

Pretty self explanatory really, but recently I've not even come close to the recommended 8 glasses of water a day.  Some days I only drink one or two glasses which I know is terrible! My skin has really suffered as a result, it's dry, dull, and I have horrendous dark circles that no amount of concealer can cover completely and also my hair and nails could be in better shape too.  So in 2013 I definitely plan to cut down on sugary, fizzy drinks and drink more H20!

I'm certainly going to try and keep up with these resolutions, I definitely think they're all easily acheivable! Have you made any resolutions this year? Have you managed to keep them up in the past? Let me know!

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